The Top 10 Motivation Killers That Will Come Between You and Your Goals

The Top 10 Motivation Killers That Will Come Between You and Your Goals. Start here when you have no motivation to study.

10 Motivation Killers That Come Between You and Your Goals

Start here when you have no motivation to study.


Everything you need for the semester you want!

This bundle includes:

  • The Syllabus Study Planner

  • The Pomodoro Planner

  • A Confidence Tracker

  • A Q&A planner

  • The “Get Organized Checklist”

  • and more!

This workbook is full of super useful resources that can be applied to every aspect of your day.


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Motivation is a must-have when you are grinding your way through post-secondary.  Nothing gets you out of bed, on your feet, and out the door, like a nice shiny “carrot.”  Unfortunately, a few things can stop this process in its tracks.

These motivation assassins want nothing more than to keep you in bed, far away from achieving your dreams.  The best cure for laziness is to avoid it altogether, but how do we do this?

Brew a hot pot of coffee, and let’s start the day by counting down the top 10 motivation killers that will come between you and your goals.

If creating a study strategy is your kryptonite, I’ve got something for you!  Pick up my free study planner and activity tracker to help you make the best of your study sessions.  Use it to create a study guide to get you through the semester.

Study planner template.  Download your free study guide template. It has everything you need for the grades you want.

Study Planner Template

Download your free study guide template. It has everything you need for the grades you want.

What to do when you have no motivation to study.

There may be many reasons you can’t find the motivation to study.  It’s tough to get things done when you don’t feel like doing anything.  It can seem like even the things you love no longer hold any joy.  That’s where I want to start today.

Even the simplest task can be intimidating when you have no motivation to study.  Let’s focus on why this happens before turning our attention to offering a few tips to get some spark of enthusiasm back.  

We focus on the cause because sometimes the reason you’ve lost your motivation can give insight into the solution. Identifying the root of the problem and solving it is much more effective than simply putting a Band-Aid on and pushing through.  

Learning about and being aware of different ways to lose motivation can also help you avoid these triggers in the future.  Also, discussing some pointers will help address these problems and give insight into how you may conquer and put them behind you.

The Top 10 Motivation Killers That Will Come Between You and Your Goals

Motivation is sometimes so difficult to muster.  When your to-do list is miles long, it’s hard to figure out where to start.  Creating routines to invoke motivation and avoid procrastination will be valuable.

Many things can kill your motivation.  Today we will discuss 10 of them.  Keeping your eyes peeled will help you to avoid getting sucked into this downward cycle so you can stay inspired and ready to take on the world.

Being envious of others will only keep you from enjoying your own progress.

Have you ever heard the saying “the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”?  Of course, you have.  Well, it’s true.  It will always appear like someone else is just breezing through the course material while you lag behind and struggle.

These people always seem to have it all together.  Nothing phases them.  When projects are returned, they always score higher, their comments are always brighter, and they seem to have flawlessly wind-tossed hair even at 7:00 in the morning.  When you ask them how they do it, they shrug with a coy smile as if it’s so easy for them they never thought to put it in words.

This is a façade you are painting to allow yourself to think that this person is better than you, but it’s simply not true.  They struggle just like you do.  They feel self-conscious, have to study, and stay up late at night, wondering if they should have done things differently.

Use your friends as a source of support and guidance, not competition.  If these people are genuinely breezing through the course material, consider sharing a study session with them.  Watch how they study and ask them about their techniques.

Lean on each other.  In areas where you excel, give them some pointers.  You may have insight that they’ve never thought of.  Chances are, they admire your work just as much as you do theirs.

Don’t waste your time comparing yourself to others and feeling like you fall short.  Reinvest all that energy on your journey, and the return will come back 10-fold.  More often than not, your friends are just as impressed by your work.

Not having a clear direction will hinder your progress.

If you don’t know where you’re going, how do you know when you’ve gotten there?  Are you even on the right path? 


You can’t possibly expect to make any progress if you don’t have a clear goal in mind.  Set goals, work towards them, and stay focused.  Without them, you will just kind of coast from current to current.  You can’t expect to be motivated to accomplish anything with no real endgame.

Manifesting is one strategy that helps you to create an action plan to achieve your goal.  I have a step-by-step guide to help you form a comprehensive plan to raise your grades that is fun and easy to create.

Not having a support system can be dangerous to your progress and mental health.

We can’t do it all on our own.  Even the most independent and self-sufficient among us need a support system.  Having peers around you to provide reassurance and advice is vital for advancement.  Sometimes you just need words of encouragement on a down day or a friendly ear to rant about a mark you got that was totally unfair. 

Without a support system, your progress can wither.  We are social creatures, and not being able to relate and really communicate with others, at least occasionally, can cause us to feel depressed.  Often, you will not feel the effects of social isolation until it’s too late.

If you struggle to form a support system, you’re always welcome to join one of our events.  We hold weekly live chats all over the web to discuss topics, set goals, debate study tips and, most importantly, sip coffee.  I would love to see you there.

Sharing your goals with others can hold you accountable for achieving them.  Your friends can also warn you if you are taking too much on or push you to work harder when taking the easy path.

Not understanding important concepts or falling behind with class work.

When we don’t understand a concept in class, it’s tough to get motivated to work on it.  This is often coupled with self-doubt in the ability to ever grasp it.  I have some excellent news for you, though.  You do not have to stay in this rut. 

There are ways to increase your understanding of a topic and your motivation at the same time.  If you are just staring at your textbook for long hours, holding your head in your hands, try switching it up.  Start by visiting the teacher’s assistant or professor during office hours to ask them for help. 

If you are really self-conscious about not understanding, don’t be.  They are professionals and often love teaching others and discussing their craft.  I realize that if you’re truly apprehensive about visiting or have anxiety about it, this might not be possible for you at this point.  If so, check out a tutorial or documentary to try and piece some facts together. 

You can also ask a classmate how they understand it or review foundational topics.  By deepening your understanding of the subject, you will find that your trepidation will soon lift, and motivation will flood in.

Not having adequate feedback can leave you uncertain about how you are progressing.

Lack of feedback can dampen your motivation in a couple of ways.   When you receive positive comments, it motivates you to continue at something you’re good at.  Positive reinforcement is an excellent motivator because we gobble it up and always want more.  What could possibly make you feel any better than unsolicited praise?

Constructive criticism is also a great motivator because it tells us exactly where we need to hone our skills to improve.  Sometimes the delivery might sting our egos for a bit, but once we’ve licked our wounds, we can use it as motivation. 

Make sure you’re not only looking at the marks for your assignments and tests but also the comments.  Go through and check where you lost marks and why so that you will not make these mistakes again.  Was it your knowledge, understanding, or delivery that was lacking? 

Perhaps you will be surprised to learn that you understand the concept well, but your writing skills need work.  This feedback will allow you to direct your energy to where it needs to be during study time.

Getting a failing grade on a test or assignment can wreak havoc on motivation.

Nothing kills motivation as quickly or effectively as a big fat F on an exam or project.  If this happens, take a deep breath, center your mind, console yourself, then spin it.  How can we use this as a learning opportunity?

Did you truly do the best work you possibly could?  Is there anything at all you could have done differently?  Did you choose a party or to stay up all night playing video games over studying?  Did you just read through our math notes instead of actually practicing problems?  Did you do any practice tests?  Did you proofread that paper, or just trust that it was amazing on the first try?  Did you procrastinate on preparing for it, then try to cram everything in a couple of days beforehand?  Or did you not understand the material and not seek out help?

Whatever the reason, you know now that it is not okay, and not to do it again.  Go to the professor and ask if there is any way to make up some ground.  Then, never make that mistake again.  This one will probably hurt for a few days, so make sure you take care of yourself and use it to propel your future efforts.  Do not internalize the negative self-talk that will spring up.  It will just do even more harm.

Is the content boring, or are you disinterested in the projects?

It’s hard to get motivated to do things you are not interested in.  These are called chores for a reason.  Don’t let your major be a chore.  Choose an area of focus that you are genuinely attracted to, and then learning the material will be fun.  

If you’re sincerely fascinated by the subject, class and study time will be less of a chore and more of a journey.  You will be excited to learn each concept and enjoy it.  You might even look forward to your lectures.

Sometimes we’re under a lot of outside pressure from friends and family to go into a specific field or specialty.  You’ll need to fall in love with what you do to truly excel at it.  Everything you do, be it at school or home, find a personal reason to do it, and you will find motivation.

Not having any leadership or a mentor can leave you feeling adrift.

Having a great mentor can make a huge difference.  Have you ever loved a subject, then went to your first class and found a professor whose teaching style you could not vibe with?  No matter how hard you tried, it was ruined for you after that.


Find and connect with professors or teacher’s assistants with whom you have a good relationship.  Keep in contact with them throughout your university career so that they can guide you.  You will often find that they are very willing to mentor you and will afford you opportunities that other students may not have access to.

This is especially useful when you need references for specific classes or interviews.  The better they know you, the more they can rave about your exceptional skills and strengths.  They can also be an invaluable source of encouragement and honest feedback.

Having a negative mindset will only work against you.

You need to have a mindset that is cohesive with progress to excel.  Keep your mind positive and forward-focused.  Concentrate on your goals and the milestones you must complete to achieve them.  Repeat positive affirmations and believe in your abilities.

Do not get stuck in a negative self-talk loop.  This will deplete not only your motivation but also your self-confidence.  You must believe in yourself before anyone else can.

Not taking time out for self-care will cost you more than you can imagine.

You need to take care of yourself.  Whether that means a bubble bath and a face mask or taking the time out on a busy day to get your favourite brew from a café.  Indulge yourself just a little. 

You deserve a reward for a job well done, and you can console yourself when you do not live up to your expectations.  Taking care of yourself inside and outside should always be a priority.  Make sure to schedule time each week to do something for yourself.

Neglecting your needs will lead to burnout and low self-esteem.  These will compound any existing problems you may be experiencing.  Schedule time throughout your calendar for self-care.  

Make sure you also carve out time for hobbies or other interests.  These activities reinvest resources into you.  They are a priority and should be treated as such.  Don’t overpack your schedule.  You will only neglect yourself, and you’re stress and overwhelm will skyrocket.

Study Skills Digital Course. Learn how to create a stress-free, comprehensive study strategy!

Study Skills Digital Course

Learn how to create a stress-free, comprehensive study strategy!

5 Tips for When You Can’t Find Motivation to Study

  1. Use the Pomodoro Technique as a strategy to ensure you are taking enough breaks while you are studying.  You don’t want to overstress your brain.  You can also use it throughout your day as a time management method to make sure you stay on task and don’t overbook your day.

  2. Make sure to regularly alternate study activities and subjects, so you don’t get bored.  When you overload with the same task or material, your brain will disassociate due to the monotony.  Switching it up will keep you engaged because you’re constantly changing the information.  It will also help you to tackle projects you find unmotivated to do because something better will be just around the corner.

  3. If you are not motivated to study, try watching a documentary on the subject.  Documentaries are meant to be engaging and might pique your interest.  Try to find new information you don’t already know about the subject. Quiz yourself as you watch the documentary: how accurate is the information they present?  How is your understanding different than what they state?  When you find new facts you are unaware of, make sure to write them down and research them.

  4. Try recording yourself reading your notes out loud.  Play them back while you are doing chores around the house.  While this is not always an effective study technique, it can help you squeeze a few extra minutes in while doing other tasks.  Make sure you’re not relying on this method to cement foundational information, though, because you will miss much of it as your attention will likely wander.

  5. Reward yourself for hitting milestones, even the small ones.  When you complete your to-do list for the day, find a way to reward yourself.  This doesn’t necessarily have to be something big, but it does have to be something intentional.  Give yourself the afternoon off if you finish all your morning studying.  Do something special when you impress yourself, whether big or small.

These 10 are by no means the only causes for your motivation to plummet.  Avoiding them is a great start to staying on track but don’t forget all the other ways to get and stay motivated.

Overcome Motivation Killers with Motion

Staying motivated and productive can be challenging, especially when faced with common motivation killers like disorganization, procrastination, and overwhelming to-do lists. To help you stay focused and on track toward your goals, try using Motion. Motion is a powerful tool designed to optimize your time management and boost your productivity, ensuring you overcome any obstacles that hinder your motivation.

Why Motion is Essential for Staying Motivated

Motion is not just a task manager; it’s a comprehensive solution for tackling the most common motivation killers. Here’s how Motion can help you stay motivated and productive:

  • Eliminate Disorganization: Motion automatically schedules your tasks and meetings into your calendar, creating a clear and organized plan for your day. This eliminates the chaos of disorganized task lists and helps you maintain a structured approach to your goals.

  • Combat Procrastination: Motion’s focus time feature allows you to block out dedicated periods for deep work, reducing the temptation to procrastinate. By having specific times set aside for focused tasks, you’re more likely to stay on track and avoid distractions.

  • Manage Overwhelming To-Do Lists: Motion helps you prioritize your tasks, breaking down large projects into manageable steps. This prevents you from feeling overwhelmed and makes it easier to tackle your workload systematically.

  • Adapt to Changes: Life is unpredictable, and plans can change. Motion adapts to these changes by automatically adjusting your schedule, ensuring you stay on top of your priorities without the stress of constantly re-planning.

How Motion Helps You Achieve Your Goals

Using Motion, you can transform the way you manage your time and tasks. By integrating seamlessly with your existing calendar, Motion provides a holistic view of your schedule, making it easy to see what needs to be done and when. This clarity and structure are crucial for maintaining motivation and achieving your goals.

Whether you're a student trying to balance assignments and exams or a professional managing multiple projects, Motion offers the flexibility and support you need to stay motivated. It’s like having a personal productivity coach that helps you stay organized, focused, and on track.

Ready to conquer the motivation killers that stand between you and your goals? Sign up for Motion and experience the benefits of automated scheduling and efficient task management. By incorporating Motion into your daily routine, you can enhance your productivity, stay motivated, and achieve your goals with greater ease.

Don’t let motivation killers derail your progress. Embrace Motion and take control of your time and tasks, ensuring you stay focused and motivated every step of the way.

The best way to avoid losing your motivation to study is by avoiding these triggers in the first place.  Take care of yourself, create a support system, bask in self-care, and acknowledge your wins.  All these things will help you avoid stress and overwhelm and help you to reinvest your efforts and progress towards your goals.

If your current study habits are killing your motivation, you need a new strategy.  Pick up my free study planner and activity tracker to help design your study sessions throughout the semester.  There are more than 20 study activities to plan and record your progress for each concept.  Pick it up here.

I would like to be transparent so that there are no misunderstandings. As an affiliate, I may earn a small commission from any products linked in this post. This is not a sponsored post, and I was not asked to recommend these products. These are products that I genuinely love and want to share with my audience.