How to Manifest Good Grades in 7 Simple Steps

How to manifest good grades.  Learn how to stop self-sabotage and manifest the grades you deserve.

How to Manifest Good Grades.

Learn how to stop self-sabotage and manifest the grades you deserve.


Everything you need for the semester you want!

This bundle includes:

  • The Syllabus Study Planner

  • The Pomodoro Planner

  • A Confidence Tracker

  • A Q&A planner

  • The “Get Organized Checklist”

  • and more!

This workbook is full of super useful resources that can be applied to every aspect of your day.


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It can be exhausting trying to get the grades you want.  Many students work so hard but never seem to make any progress.  Top students know that getting great grades is not the result of studying alone. 

So many factors contribute to academic success that it is impossible to list them all in one place.  But one that is almost always ignored is mindset.  There is a mentality that will allow for improved academic success that you can practice starting right now.

How negative self talk impacts your grades

When I talk about manifesting academic success, you might roll your eyes and believe it to be a bit strange.  You might think that there is no way to just conjure excellent grades out of thin air, and you're right

There are many steps that you must take to get the grades you want.  But, it all starts with mindset and allowing the possibility for success to flow into your life.  Today is about breaking down limiting beliefs and overcoming self-sabotage so that you can get the best marks possible. 

If you are struggling to create a comprehensive study plan, pick up our free study planner printable.  It will help you to make a comprehensive plan to actually get the grades you want.  Manifesting good grades requires a strategy. This study tracker can provide a blueprint.

Download now: FREE Study Planner and Activity Tracker

Semester Study Planner and Activity Tracker

Download your free study planner and activity tracker.

Everything you need for the semester you want!

What is Manifesting, and Why Does it Matter?

Manifesting is the practice of projecting purposeful, aspirational thoughts into reality.  It follows the idea that anything you can dream can become a reality.

Manifesting is not magic.  It is a stepwise process to pinpoint a goal or ambition and seek to attain it.  This process takes both work and practice to become a reality.

Some people confuse putting a goal "out into the universe" with manifesting.  People who manifest will often do this with their goals. However, the process does not stop there.  Without the follow-through, putting "it out into the universe" will likely not get you the desired results.

How to Manifest Good Grades

Now that we know a bit more about what manifesting is let's get started!  This is a step-by-step process.  Every step is crucial, so make sure to complete each one with intention. Don't skip any because they are lame or useless. This has to be completed in full to get the best results.

Get clear on what you want.

The very first step is to get clear on your desired outcome.  If this is your first time, you might want to start with something small. 

This is a great place to start if you want to get an A on your final exam or a term project.  Whatever it is, get explicitly clear.  Think about it long and hard, and make a silent commitment to yourself that you will achieve it. 

Write it down and post it somewhere you can reflect on it every day.

Write your goal down in your planner or on a piece of paper.  Make it bright and bold!  You want to see this every day so you can be reminded of what you are working towards.

Don't shy away from it or hide it. It's essential that this goal is kept at the forefront of your mind at all times.  If you forget about it, it will be too easy to ignore it and fail.

Hiding your goals is one of the most common forms of self-sabotage.  It’s usually linked to a fear of failure.  If you don't actually try to achieve this goal, you aren't really failing because you chose not to achieve it. 

You CAN do this.  It’s okay to believe in yourself. Post your goal and remind yourself every day of how badly you want it.

This Clever Fox Planner is amazing for goal setting and tracking. It has space for you to keep tabs on your goals and the progress you make towards each of them. Having a physical planner that you can use to write down all of your goals and obligations will help you stay accountable to them.

The act of sitting down and planning your days, weeks, and even months, subconsciously helps you to commit to these actions. This symbolic pledge makes it more likely that you will follow through with the required actions to achieve these goals.

Make room in your life for success to grow.

This step is critical, but it's often skipped. Don't make that mistake. Instead, make room in your life for the success you are asking for. 

The best way to do this is to declutter. 

  • Clean off your desk.

  • Organize your binders. 

  • Clean up your room. 

  • Unsubscribe from spammy emails.

This clutter is blocking you and taking up space in your life.  Our free study planner has an organization checklist if you need some help getting started.  You can download it here.

If you suffer from a chronic messy desk, try picking up a desk organizer. It will help you to have a dedicated space for everything you need. This can take some getting used to, but it will make it much easier in the long run. Keeping an organized desk has several other benefits. You can check out a guide here.

Cleaning and organizing your physical space will allow room for you to receive what you are asking for.  It will also permit you more room to breathe and energy to pursue your goals.

Make a plan.

This is where it gets serious.  Now that you know what you want and you have made room to receive it, we need to understand how you will get it.

Sit down and write out a detailed plan of exactly how you are going to reach your goal.  Get as specific as possible.  Every detail should be written down and catalogued.

Staying organized and making a plan can do a lot to keep you on track.

For example, if you want to ace your exam, write down:

  • What you're going to study, and list every concept.

  • How are you going to study each idea?

  • When are you going to study?

  • How often are you going to study?

  • How long you will study each concept?

  • And so on…

It's impossible to get too detailed in this plan.  The more detail you put into it, the more success you will get from it. 

This planning stage is vital.  You need to know the exact path to take to get those grades.  This step will give you the map.

Stay positive.

It can be terrifying to chase your dreams.  If you have visions of obtaining a 4.0 GPA or being accepted into a prestigious program, the fear only multiplies.  Staying positive is essential because the negative feelings can set up shop and rot away at your prospects.

I am not saying that you have to be super upbeat and perky every second of the day, but try to keep a positive outlook in general. 

Negative self-talk is a dangerous habit to dabble in.  They can take over, multiply, and damage your grades.  It breeds anxiety and fear, and we don't want that. So instead, try to use positive affirmations to help you look at the bright side when you are down.

You have to believe you can achieve this goal. So even if you doubt yourself at times, tell yourself you can until you believe it.

If you have persisting depressed mood or negative plaguing thoughts.  Check your schools' resources or your doctor, and discuss some options to help. It's okay to be vulnerable sometimes.  There are ways to access support when you need it.

Don't expect exactly what you asked for to fall in your lap.

Sometimes, what you are asking for is repackaged with a different bow.  You may not recognize it when you see it if you don't keep your eyes open. 

Maybe you don't get the exact mark you want on the assignment, but you get a fantastic participation mark, or perhaps you did great on the test. On the other hand, maybe you didn't do as well as you like in the lecture portion of the class, but you absolutely rocked the lab.

Keep your eyes open for covert ways your success could be manifesting. For example, if you aim to improve your grades, how you study will dictate what you will improve at.  It may be that you are studying in a way that enhances your recall or practical knowledge of the subject.  Take note, and adjust as needed.

Remove limiting beliefs and self-sabotage.

Don't get in your own way.  If you don't open yourself up to the possibility of accepting what you asked for, you could miss the opportunity.

One simple way to start is to just accept compliments. For example, if your professor tells you "good job," just say "thank you." 

Allow them to give you praise for a job well done.  You deserve praise.  You are worthy of it.

You don't have to say, "it's nothing." It IS something!

Not allowing yourself to be praised or not accepting a compliment will block your success.  Take it in.  Eat it up.  You are worth it, and you can replicate that success on a larger scale.

I know I just hit you with a lot of steps. This is a process, and it takes some time to work through it. Pick up my How to Manifest Good Grades Workbook to help you keep track of your progress. It has all the worksheets and templates you need to help you to create and work through your plan. With a little help and accountability, you will be able to see this plan through to completion!

5 Tips for Manifesting Good Grades

There are a few pointers that can help you get the best results.  These are questions that I have been asked by students in the past that definitely help with the process.

You still need to study.

Manifesting good grades is not the same as a magic fairy flying down and changing the grades on your report card.  You still need to put in the work to make this happen.

Instead, manifesting helps open you up to accepting your ability to get great grades and stops you from getting in your own way.

If studying is hard for you, or you don't know where to begin, try signing up for my GPA Jumpstart program so that we can create a plan together.

Trust the process.

Once you have started on this path, follow it through to completion. Don't stop and second guess yourself partway through.

three steps to manifesting good grades.  Don't let minor setbacks get you down.  Restate your intention every day.  You still need to study.  Manifeting good grades is not the same as a magic fairy flying down and changing your grades.

Follow your plan all the way to completion.  Try your best not to take shortcuts or get sidetracked.  There are no shortcuts to success. You have to put in the work.

Choose a positive affirmation to say to yourself.

It’s hard to stay positive every day.  If you have trouble with it, try repeating some positive affirmations to yourself until you believe them. 

It might feel weird or unnatural at first, but it will get easier with practice.  Try it out.

It doesn't have to be corny.  Use something that resonates with you.  If you are having trouble using one, you can always fall back on a saying from one of your favourite tv shows or movies.

Don't let minor setbacks get you down.

Give it time.  Everyone encounters bumps along the way.  If you hit a minor setback, don't give up.

You might find a tricky concept or run out of time.  Just keep pushing forward.  Be relentless in pursuit of your goals.

Sometimes if you keep pushing through the tough bits, you will find that it gets easier.

Restate your intention every day.

Remind yourself every day that you are going to pass that test or whatever your goal is.  It is so crucial that you say it out loud. 

Repeat it to yourself over and over again in the shower.  Whenever you have a chance, chant your mantra.  Put it out into the universe, as they say.  Then it can be real.

Manifesting good grades is a process, and you will have to work on it.  Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts, so you have to commit to the journey.

This process can be applied to nearly anything you want in life, from choosing a career to making more money.  Once you get good at manifesting, nothing can get in your way.

Even if you don’t necessarily believe them at first, repeating these affirmations will improve your performance over time.  I love these ones because they don’t take themselves too seriously, and who doesn’t love unicorns?

Achieve Your Academic Goals with Our Comprehensive Study Skills Digital Course

Manifesting good grades isn't just about positive thinking; it's about equipping yourself with the right study skills and strategies. To turn your academic aspirations into reality, enroll in our Study Skills Digital Course. This course is designed to help you develop effective study habits and techniques that will enhance your learning and improve your grades.

What’s Included in the Course:

  • Comprehensive Modules: Five detailed modules featuring video lessons, workbooks, exercises, and templates to guide you through each aspect of effective studying.

  • Goal Setting and Achievement: Learn how to set realistic academic goals and develop actionable plans to achieve them.

  • Effective Note-Taking: Discover the best note-taking methods to enhance your understanding and retention of course material.

  • Enhanced Reading Skills: Improve your recall and comprehension with advanced reading strategies.

  • Efficient Study Planning: Master the art of planning study sessions that maximize productivity and minimize stress.

  • Burnout Prevention: Learn how to maintain a healthy balance and avoid burnout while pursuing your academic goals.

Why Choose Our Course?

Our Study Skills Digital Course goes beyond simple advice. It offers practical, actionable strategies tailored to help you achieve your academic goals. Each module is designed to provide you with the tools necessary to enhance your study habits and manifest the grades you desire.

Understanding how to effectively manage your time, stay organized, and retain information is crucial for academic success. Our course is structured to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, set achievable goals, and create a personalized study plan that works for you. Whether you're aiming to boost your grades, stay ahead of your coursework, or reduce stress, our course has everything you need.

For a one-time fee of CA$17.00, you can access all these valuable resources and start manifesting the grades you desire. Don’t let ineffective study techniques hold you back. Invest in your future with our Study Skills Digital Course.

Transform your academic journey and unlock your full potential. Join our community of students who have successfully enhanced their study habits and achieved their academic goals with our comprehensive course.

Study Skills Digital Course.  Learn how to create a stress-free comprehensive study strategy.

Study Skills Digital Course

Learn how to create a stress-free comprehensive strategy!

Manifesting good grades is about more than just envisioning success—it's about taking concrete steps to develop effective study habits and strategies. By understanding and implementing the techniques discussed in this post, you can turn your academic aspirations into reality. Remember, achieving good grades requires a combination of clear goals, consistent effort, and the right tools.

If you're ready to take your study habits to the next level, our Study Skills Digital Course is here to support you. This comprehensive course offers practical strategies and resources designed to help you excel in your studies and achieve your academic goals. With the right approach and dedication, you can manifest the grades you desire and unlock your full potential.

Don't forget to pick up our free printable study planner and activity tracker.  It will help you create that plan to get your desired grades. 

I would like to be transparent so that there are no misunderstandings. As an affiliate, I may earn a small commission from any products linked in this post. This is not a sponsored post, and I was not asked to recommend these products. These are products that I genuinely love and wanted to share with my audience.